Whether your surgery is elective or essential, having any kind of surgical procedure can cause stress or anxiety. But there are some ways to help minimize your pre-surgery stress and help maximize your post-surgical outcomes.

Your doctor will give you specific instructions based on your procedure, but here’s a general checklist to help you prepare for your upcoming surgery:

Complete Pre-Registration

  • Typically, a surgery appointment will be early in the morning. Pre-registration will help ensure that your insurance benefits are verified, and you’ll have a clearer picture of your out-of-pocket costs.

Understand Your Medications

  • Based on your procedure, there may be medications you need to take before and after surgery, or some medications you need to stop.
  • Ask your doctor and pharmacist about potential drug interactions.
  • If possible, get your prescriptions filled ahead of time.
  • Bring a list of your medications with you on the day of your procedure, including dosage and frequency. This includes vitamins and supplements, too.

Understand Your Diet Restrictions

  • You won’t feel like going to grocery store after surgery. Know what diet your doctor recommends so you can have appropriate food and beverage items on hand.
  • If approved by your doctor, stock up on your favorite comfort food to help brighten your day as you recover.

Arrange for a Ride Home

  • You will need a ride home after surgery, whether you have an outpatient procedure or stay overnight in the hospital. Ask a close friend or family member for assistance.
  • You will not be permitted to drive yourself home or use public transportation or a rideshare.

Understand Your Activity Restrictions

  • Be aware if your doctor will require driving and lifting restrictions. Listen carefully to discharge instructions.
  • Depending on the type of surgery, you may need some assistance with mobility around your home, food preparation, childcare, housework, errands, and other needs for a couple of days up to several weeks after you come home. Enlist a close family member or friend for help.

Wear Comfortable Clothes

  • Wear loose, comfortable clothes, and leave valuables at home.
  • You might need clothing that buttons down the front in case you can’t pull it over your head after surgery.
  • If staying overnight, pack a bag with some personal hygiene items and a change of clothes. Again, leave your jewelry and valuables at home.

Stay Positive

  • Surgery can be scary, and you may feel uneasy about missing work, school, and other activities while you recover. It’s normal to feel this way.
  • Find ways to lift your mood like reading, talking to a friend or watching a favorite movie.
  • Focus on the reason for the surgery, which is to help improve your health.

Following these tips and your doctor’s instructions will help you be prepared for your surgery. If you aren’t sure about something, ask your doctor.

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