About Us
  • Who We Are
    Government Affairs and Advocacy provides a unified voice for Texas Health at the federal, state and local levels.
  • Our Purpose
    The purpose of Government Affairs and Advocacy is to advocate for Texas Health Resources in the public policy arena to enhance health care delivery and strengthen the capacity of the organization to improve the health of the people in the communities we serve.

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Public Policy Priorities
Public policy affects Texas Health’s ability to enhance health care delivery and strengthen our capacity to improve the health of the people in the communities we serve.
Voter Education Resources

Texas Health plays an important role in helping to educate the public about issues affecting the community and those we serve, such as through voter education activities.

Our Social Purpose Report
From preserving health insurance coverage, improving care and patient safety, identifying funding sources to providing access to care in underserved areas, Texas Health strives to engage policymakers on these crucial issues.
Community Affairs
Through social responsibility, employee volunteerism and charitable giving, Texas Health develops and maintains key business and community relationships.
Advocacy Partners
Government Affairs and Advocacy builds and sustains strategic relationships with key stakeholders to enhance Texas Health’s brand and reputation as a responsible corporate citizen and leader within the health care industry.
  • American Hospital Association
    The American Hospital Association is the national organization that represents and serves all types of hospitals, health care networks, and their patients and communities.
  • Texas Hospital Association
    Founded in 1930, the Texas Hospital Association is the leadership organization and principal advocate for the state's hospitals and health care systems.
  • Dallas-Fort Worth Hospital Council
    The Dallas-Fort Worth Hospital Council unites North Texas hospitals and industry leaders to advance quality health care in our region.

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